
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Painting a Space Marine Captain in Blood Angels colors


The Blood Angels Captain was also ready by the end of the campaign.


In black.

Red armor

The process is inspired by the Imperial Fist color scheme.

Heavy Red basecoat. Then dilute Agrax Earthshade with Lahmian Medium and overall wash.

Gory Red glaze, like a zenithal highlight.

Bloody Red edge highlight.

Dark green cloak

Instead of the layering approach, I tried out something else.

Basecoat black. Then mix medium into Dark Green and start applying successive layers of glaze.

The camera doesn't really show the progression, but after a lot - A LOT - of layers, we have a dark green cloak.

Later, I decided on some edge highlights by mixing Dead Flesh into Dark Green.


Traditional black-washed metallics for the silver.

And a simple progression of Glorious Gold, Reikland Fleshshade, Polished Gold on the gold details.

Purity seal: same as for the Imperial Fist. Heavy Red and Bonewhite basecoat; wash Agrax Earthshade; highlight Gore Red and Bonewhite.

Black casing on the bolter and sword.

Pure black eyes in preparation for...

(also do a hand-painted chapter symbol in black)

... glowing green eyes! Layer Chainmail Silver on the black, then Waywatcher Green.


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