
Monday, December 10, 2018

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #2 Story

The Lux Imperatoris roared across the crowded cityscape. Squads Alpha, Beta and Gamma sat silently, cleaning their weapons, checking and re-checking their gear.

Grigor grinned as he reassembled his heavy bolter. The Imperial Fists did not employ childish displays of pride such as kill markings on their weapons and vehicles. At that point, Grigor probably would not have minded if they did.
Oberon scowled as he fastened his belt of frag missiles. The two heavy weapon specialists have ever nursed a friendly rivalry, and it did not sit well with him to be outdone so clearly.
Karn was the only motionless squad member. He sat laid back, with his eyes closed. Argus would have chastised him for laziness, had he not been the one to help staunch the bleeding from his wounds. A human soldier would have died many times over, but Astartes physiology did wonders. The scout would be up and ready for action for the next mission.
Argus made a mental note to further check on these three when they had the time, then looked over the rest of the squad. Each focused on his task, but their bearing betrayed their pride.
Which reminded Argus to look at the prisoner again. Alpha Squad was the only one to capture an enemy commander. The heavyset woman, bound and gagged, laid motionless in the back of the Thunderhawk.
Argus surveyed his men once more. He did not congratulate them, and he suspected Danicus would not either. They only did their duty. But he did allow himself a smile. And he suspected that Danicus would, too.


The Imperial Fists were warriors, not jailers or torturers. However, Argus suspected that during his long service, Danicus had somewhere picked up this and that. The prisoner had entered the interrogation chamber just about two hours ago, but Danicus, along with his sergeants, was already sitting in conference with the high command of the Mane PDF.
'... and according to the prisoner, this is why they could organize in secret. Our augurs are simply blind to their vox network. What do you know of these so called jamming stations?'
Danicus' gravelly voice echoed across the chamber, and the uniformed and decorated men and women shuffled uncomfortably. Finally, the High Commander coughed, looked around his fellows for support and spoke up.
'My Lord Space Marine, those stations are ancient. Surely the rebel was lying! For how could they be able to use artifacts of such power?'
'She did not lie. I made sure of it.'
The High Commander sputtered.
'But my Lord Space Marine, that is nigh impossible. We just did not think -'
'You. Did not. Think?'
The rebuke was more growled than spoken, and the room fell completely silent in a moment. Danicus looked around menacingly, ensuring that the humans saw his barely restrained wrath. They withered under his gaze.
'Consult your data banks. I expect all the information there is about these stations delivered to me within the hour. You are dismissed.'


Barely any time had passed, and the scouts found themselves aboard the Thunderhawk once more. Information on their target was scarce, but they were deployed nonetheless. After all, they were Space Marines.
Argus saw the worry in the eyes of the veteran sergeant as he drew up the battle plan. With such devices used by the rebels, who knew how much had the rebellion extended right under their noses? They had to sabotage it.
But Danicus wasn't a veteran for nothing. Alpha Squad was en route to the most isolated jamming station they identified, as they had earned this honor. Squads Beta and Gamma were already in place, setting up listening posts in key locations. If they stroke with enough surprise, the rebels would continue to communicate even after the destruction of the jammer. If the Emperor was with them, it might take a long time for them to learn of it. Knowledge was power.
Argus smiled inwardly. This rebellion would not last for long.

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