
Monday, December 10, 2018

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #2 Game


Loosely based on Crucible of War - Sabotage. Again, I decided to simplify the game. However, this time, the scouts had access to 5 Command Points and 2 stratagems: Command Re-roll and Silenced weapons (which I also modified: originally it affects a squad, but I made it affect 1 scout and any scout within 6").

I also modified the Sentries, having them in small squads of 1-3 models.

Win conditions: 7+ result on sabotage for a minor win. 10+ for a major win.

Note that the scouts are all primed this time. That's because they all survived the first mission. If all goes well, by next time, all survivors will have a bit of paint on them.


Comm tower in the middle, with traitor militia patrolling all around.

Alpha Squad deployed in close formation in the corner.

Turns 1-4

Each turn, the scouts moved up the field, keeping in close formation. On turns 1-3 they used the Silenced weapons stratagem, and killed a couple of small squads each time.

Kudos to the player for his restraint. Each turn, he counted the number of shots available, and made sensible decisions on whether to fire or not.

On the 3rd turn the Scouts had already eliminated all resistance between them and the comm tower, so on turn 4 they made a mad dash towards the objective. With 6 sabotage attempts (thanks to great advance rolls), the scenario was an auto-win. But the scouts still had to survive...

Turn 5-7

Traitor militia poured out of the ruins and the underground bunkers they hid. Alpha squad hunkered down amid a hail of autogun fire, heavy stubber rounds and krak missiles. The militia assaulted the scouts, who fought them back with chainsaw, combat blade and gunbutt. 

The seconds stretched on (damn you random game length!) and several scouts were down. The traitors were a few lucky hits away from knocking Grigor, Boreas and Argus out of action. But at the last possible moment, the comm tower exploded! The human militia - those who survived - were dazed enough for the scouts to escape amid the dust and rubble.


The only scout knocked out of action was Oberon. He had to roll on the death chart, but in true Oberon fashion, managed a 3 on 2d6. He's fine! 

Everybody leveled up to 2, and two scouts managed level 3. Grigor of course took the lead in kills again with his 'silenced' heavy bolter.

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