
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Path to Glory: Nurgle vs Khorne, 07.12.2018


Virulax sat in a copse of Feculent Gnarlmaws, pondering his next move. The Bringer of the Pox, sent on a mission to convince another band of Nurgle followers to join them, had still not returned.

The Great Unclean One suddenly noticed his favorite Nurgling - Sloppy - desperately trying to get his attention. The diminutive impish creature had just made its way through a pus filled wound across Virulax' neck and reached his ears. It whispered, urgently. Virulax listened, then bellowed in anger.


The Plaguebearers tending the trees around him stopped in their task. Never before had they heard an outburst like that from the normally jolly greater daemon.

Virulax listened to all that Sloppy had to say, then ponderously sat up, and brandished his weapons with a grim smile.

'Gather round, children. We have work to do.'

Battleplan: The Sacrifice

Doom Guy and his band of Khorne daemons had captured The Bringer of the Pox. Virulax, along with The Bearers of the Plague and Those Ridden with the Plague, formed up as a would-be rescue party.

Turn 1

Very un-Khorne like, Doom Guy ordered his forces to retreat while still keeping the Nurgle warband in their sights. The Skullcannon opened fire on Virulax, but the Great Unclean One's blubber and bile absorbed most of the damage.

Desperate for the life of his follower, Virulax whipped his warband ahead.

Turns 2-3

The Nurgle daemons continued their relentless march, but their slow speed made them unable to assault the Khorne daemons at once.

Not that the followers of the Blood God needed much baiting to charge forth.

In the meantime, the prisoner had already suffered 4 mortal wounds, left at 1 after turn 3...

Turn 4

Despite the heroic efforts of Virulax and his children - 1 Flesh Hound died, the Bloodletters were down to 2, the Bloodthirster barely lived, and the Nurgle side barely lost anything - Doom Guy won the roll-off and sacrificed The Bringer of the Pox at the top of turn 4.

Your battleplan is bad and you should feel bad

This was pretty absurd from the get-go, and I felt that I had lost the scenario when I lost the roll-off for who would be the ritualist. Even if I had positioned the Gnarlmaw better and made some long-bomb turn 2 charges, I would have had to eliminate every single enemy model to free the prisoner. However, the ritualist can inflict mortal wounds without any condition, as long as he has a unit nearby. Compared to the previous scenario which actually made us think about positioning, this was an auto-win for the ritualist. Well, auto-minor-victory. At least the dice gods punished him for his un-khornate-like behavior by awarding 1 glory point on the D3 - same as my own measly 1 for losing.


Virulax suffered a setback, but not a major one. In just a few days, the essence of The Bringer of the Pox would re-coalesce in Nurgle's realm, and he would be able to be summoned once again. Still, the defeat stung. Virulax ordered his Plaguebearers to spread more and more disease in their surrounding. Soon, a small garden of rotten plants grew out of the wastes, and shapes began to move in the foetid ponds. More Plaguebearers marched out of the stagnant waters, ringing their bells and chanting monotonously.
Good. They would be needed soon.

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