
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Path to Glory: Nurgle vs Stormcast Eternals, 15.01.2019


Virulax was on the move. His Plaguebearers, goaded ever forward by the Bringer of the Pox, trudged along his side, spreading the blessings of their Grandfather left and right. Virulax looked around with a smile, noticing one more Feculent Gnarlmaw sprouting from the diseased ground behind them.

But then, Virulax heard an unbearable sound: the sound of maggots crunching under armored boots. Looking ahead, he squinted. His cataract-ridden eyes focused on the host of golden warriors marching to meet him. Their armor shone in the sun. Light glinted off their polished weapons. Wings spread like white sails, pure and unsullied.

This... this simply would not do.

'Gather 'round, children' - chortled Virulax. 'We have blessings to spread.'

Battleplan: Vendetta

The Plaguebearers started at the front line, forming a wall to defend their master and commander. The golden host of Stormcast stood defiant in their sights.

Nurgle, turn 1

With the blessings of Nurgle, Virulax raised another Gnarlmaw behind him. Especially potent toxins bloomed all across the weapons of the Blessed Afflictions thanks to their Fecund Vigor. With that, the band marched forward, picking up speed as they went, and charging right into the lines of the Stormcast!

Virulax swung his mighty blades, severely wounding the enemy wizard and killing two Sequitors.

The Stormcast fought back, barely injuring the Bringer of the Pox and killing one Plaguebearer.

Stormcast, turn 1

With a flash of lightning and roiling thunder, more Stormcast appeared behind Virulax! The Lord Celestant reared his mighty Dracoth, and charged forward.

The Stormcast unleashed fire and fury on the daemons. Lightning laid Plaguebearers low on both sides. The wizard broke his flasks, injuring himself, but inflicting massive damage on the squad of Plaguebearers in front. Virulax laughed at it all. His children would come back soon enough, and he himself was barely scathed.

He swung back with his rusted blades, nearly cleaving the Lord Celestant in two. And then, even more horrifically, all of his wounds closed and sealed, as if nothing had harmed him.


Virulax looked and laughed as the Stormcast teleported away in flashes of lightning. He had beaten them soundly. They would be back, but he would be ready for them. Already, the Bringer of the Pox was chanting the rituals necessary to return the slain Plaguebearers to the band.

Virulax scratched his side. It itched fiercely, and so he was contemplating on cutting it open with his bileblade, when one rotten slab of meat came apart all on its own, and a host of Nurglings fell out of his body, laughing and rolling and dancing. Virulax picked one up and popped it into his mouth, chewing through a barely suppressed guffaw. The others paid it no heed, for more and more were pouring out the Great Unclean One's body.

'Come, children' - belched the Great Unclean One. 'We have more work to do.'


With the Lord Celestant at 1 wound after battle round 1 and me winning the roll-off for turn 2, the opponent conceded and I won a major victory, gaining 3 glory points after the re-roll.

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