
Monday, January 14, 2019

Painting the Angel of Death


As Sammael the warlock is an aasimar and can transform into a dark angelic being, his player decided on getting a second miniature for him. This is a sort-of commision work, as he'll keep the miniature. Miniature by Reaper Miniatures.


Huge metal wings for this miniature. Unfortunately, they were not a perfect fit.

Luckily, I had some green stuff at hand!


In black.


The bones (skeleton and wings) will be painted as bones, but I did some steps in parallel. Cover of the book: Heavy Brown, Heavy Red sash.

Filthy Brown for the paper. 

Wash the cover and the edges of the pages at the Agrax step for the bone.

Wash the sash at the Black Wash step.

Bonewhite highlights - and the bones are done.

Time to do more stuff in parallel! Basecoat the wings in Heavy Red. At this step, also highlight the sash.

Basecoat the sword hilt in Gunmetal - this will be regular metal.

Black Wash on the wings and hilt.

I did more highlights on the wings, until they felt "right". First came a Heavy Red drybrush (and yes I managed to dirty the bones - I'll clean that up later.

Then Gory Red drybrush (also highlight the sash again to make it pop).

Finally highlight the specs in the wings with Bloody Red.

I initially washed the pages in Carroburg Crimson and hoped that it will be enough to show the runes in dark red. However, the grooves aren't that deep, and all I got was a mess (and a reddish tinge on the yellowy brown). So I decided to highlight the writing manually using Blood for the Blood God!

Clean up the robe and sword blade with Black.

Then apply Storm Surge Green on the blade - same as the warlock's scythe (from Green Stuff World colorshifting paint line).


Fill out the base with home made putty.


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