
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Painting a warlock/evil priest


About time to paint the newest member of the DnD party: Sammael, the warlock. Miniature by Reaper Miniatures.


In black.


Bone colored scythe handle. Also the scroll is rolled up on a piece of bone. Cute.

When painting the face, I've put Reikland Fleshshade on the scroll, the Agrax Earthshade on the sides.

I did not like the sharp border between the shades, so I did a Bonewhite glaze all over.

Speaking of face: pale skin and black eyes.

As a final touch (for now) on the scroll, highlight the runes in Bonewhite.

Cold white beard.

Shooting for bluish metal to contrast with all the warm sepia tones. Of course there's not enough space for full-on blue/green metal, so just basecoat Gunmetal, wash Coelia Greenshade, highlight Chainmail Silver.

Gloss paints

After two thin coats of matte varnish, apply Blood for the Blood God! in the runes on the scroll as well as some freehanded forms besides for some evil looking script.

Storm Surge Green (from Green Stuff World's colorshifting range) on the scythe blade.

Waystone Green on the flask.


Fill out the base with home made putty.


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