
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Painting dirty cloth (proof of concept)


The point of this proof of concept is to see how viable it is to do a dirty cloth paint scheme that I came up with.


Basecoat: Khaki pants, Dead Flesh coat, Heavy Red armor.

Wash generously Agrax Earthshade. Then highlight with the original colors. Do this 2-3 times for the armor, then edge highlight Gory Red. But then do it 4-5 times on the cloth.

Until you get something like this.


The armor: it came out way too dulled down. I liked the colors after the first wash, but then it just looks bad.
The leather bits: I also thought of doing the brown leather belt along with all this. Bad idea, as it gets way too dark after so many layers of wash.
The cloth: came out just as I imagined it to be. Except for the fact that the coat and the pants almost blend into each other from a distance. I will have to use colors that are a lot more different.

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