
Monday, March 25, 2019

Storm King's part 17 - What quest to do next???

While the party discusses what the next step will be, in the streets of Mirabar of course, a strange figure approaches the party. This new guy has a message delivered for Ren that he should report to the Zentharim council immediately. This is the time we meet Samael who will replace Ren[1] in the party. (This is the second time the player changed his character so don’t be surprised if another character will take the place of Samael in the future). It seems that “S named characters” are taking over the party.

Samael is a shady figure so the rest of the party needs some questions asked before welcoming the new Adventurer. Zone of Truth is cast while interrogating the newcomer. Samael doesn’t appreciate when he cannot lie so he grows wings and  he jumps outside of the “Lie free zone”. This is not the smartest move in the campaign, but we are full of bad decisions so this is no news to us.

The people in the square get nervous and scared of the happening and call the guards. The guards interrogate us and let us go after we explain that it wasn’t anything  alarming.[2]

Nobody really knows what quest was truly from whom, in this case Zentharim against Harpers[3]. So we try to do the Harpers' quest first, that implies that we travel to Waterdeep.

To Waterdeep we go, using the teleportation rings provided by the Harpers, we blindfold the new Adventurer as we don’t know if he is trustworthy or not. In Waterdeep we meet a halfling who knows that the Harpers can be found using a special greeting formula in a specific tavern. We go to the tavern, use the password and get the meeting with the Harpers' representative in Waterdeep. Of course we are not supposed to complete any quest here because the quest is truly in Triboar. Well that went smoothly.[4]

So that the visit to Waterdeep will not be in vain we choose to finally deliver a letter in our possession (a long overdue side quest) to Irina[5] the aunt of the Mayor in Icewind Dale[6]. This is not at all a waste of time as we find out that the aunt is lost at sea and nobody had heard of her in the last month :).[7]

In the morning a flying castle appeared over Waterdeep, the whole town is on alert but as brave heroes we volunteer to get rid of the menace. The mages from Waterdeep summon a portal between the throne room and the flying castle. We bravely enter the portal and meet Count Nimbolo and his wife Mulara who offer us a nice meal and tell us of their plans to find the lost treasure of the dragons. After we negotiate to let Waterdeep alone because there is no treasure here we return victoriously back to Waterdeep and praise our deeds to the mayor. This will bring us some much deserved gold.

Now that Waterdeep is saved we can finally go to Triboar where we should have gone in the first place. Using the teleportation rings again we reach the vicinity of Triboar, then with the superior land vehicle skill[8] that Solid has we reach Triboar in no time.

In Triboar there is the most beautiful view an Adventurer can see after traveling for a while, there are not one but two fabulous inns, one more appealing than the other. We are greeted with the utmost respect, offered the finest rooms and baths, the most wonderful conditions that even royalty enjoy (wink wink Szivem). The cost is also royalty like so we kind of lost all the reward from saving Waterdeep for one night accommodation, nevertheless we smell nice in the morning[9] and we are also well fed.

Triboar is ruled by a Harpers representative so we are most welcome to stay free of charge at one of the Taverns in town time enough to investigate the Giant problem, that seems to be just a rumor and nothing else for the moment.[10]

While venturing through the town Samael is discretely approached by a Zentharim member who gives him a special assignment to  find out more about a Hunter/Leatherworker and an Innkeeper who are of some kind of interest to them. This is how Zentharim works in case you wondered.

Solid manages to spend some more money on a better shield that will prove useful in the future fights, so money well spent.

The adventure ends after we convince Othovir the Hunter/Leatherworker that we should go hunting with him… but the Hunt is a story for another day...

[1] Remember, Ren is past 100 years old now. And I had created some custom feats to represent his old age...
[2] Throwing adventurers into jail is fun, but at this point I was already bored of how much time they can waste and I just wanted to move on.
[3] Because nobody is taking notes apart from the scribe. When he misses something, the party's collective memory plunges into darkness.
[4] At one point they even managed to confuse me.
[5] Inirva.
[6] Bryn Shander, more precisely.
[7] A few hints were dropped about Frost Giants, but fell on deaf ears.
[8] A running joke, as I mentioned.
[9] A truly momentous and rare occasion.
[10] He he he he he.

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