
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Painting brown yetis


For the two yeti shaman, I intend to try out two techniques of painting brown fur.

Technique 1: simple fur

Basecoat Beasty Brown. Two coats cover the white primer perfectly.

Paint patches of Dark Fleshtone and Khaki.

Wash Agrax Earthshade.

Drybrush Bonewhite. This looks very stark under the desk lamp, but in more natural light it looks way better. The drybrush brings all the colors together.

Technique 2: wet blending

The same Beasty Brown basecoat.

Two-brush wet blend to Heavy Brown below the knees, Khaki on the stomach and the underside of the arms, and Charred Brown on the shoulders and back.

Then drybrush Khaki.

Common steps

Skin, mouth, eyes exactly as the white yetis.

Do the staves in dark brown. At the basecoating step also coat the stone head in Stonewall Grey. Wash both in Black Wash. Then drybrush the stone head in Stonewall Grey.

Simplified bone treatment for the fangs, as with the white yetis. When basecoating in Bonewhite, coat the leather cords around the staff head and the necklace in Filthy Brown. Wash both in Agrax Earthshade. Highlight the cords in Filthy Brown.


Standard snowy base.


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