
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Painting yetis (warm white fur)


I bought a couple of Reaper yetis in case the DnD party ever ventures to the realm of the Frost Giants. Obviously, they didn't. But the yetis should present an excellent opportunity to experiment with fur. The first one is based on the warm white cloth painting tip.


Paint the fur according to the painting tip. I did the advanced algorithm with two layers of basecoat, with a mix of white/Bonewhite drybrushed on a basecoat of Bonewhite. Somewhat useless, barely visible. The highlight after the wash was applied as another drybrush, and it completely obscures the underlying layers.

For the second yeti, I instead applied the second layer as a selective highlight - across the back, the thighs, the stomach, the head etc. The difference is barely noticeable. If you look closely, it looks just a bit better: instead of a uniform color across all the fur, you can spot lighter areas here and there.

The rest of the details were painted the same for both of them.

To contrast with the fur, and also to keep with the classic yeti look, I did the skin in bluegrey.

Basecoat Sombre Grey.

Wash black, highlight Sombre Grey.

Very fine line highlight in Wolf Grey.

I also did the nails in Wolf Grey, washed Drakenhof Nightshade, then highlighted Wolf Grey.

For the eyes, I wanted to give the guy a bestial, otherworldly look. So I applied what I learned when painting the imp. Basecoat Heavy Orange, wash Carroburg Crimson.

Interestingly, the effect was mostly lost on these smaller eyes. So I dotted Heavy Orange for the pupils.

I painted the tongue and interior of the mouth in Warlord Purple, then highlight with 1:1 mix with Breast Cancer Pink, then pure Breast Cancer Pink.

The fangs are too small for the full horns treatment, so I just painted them Bonewhite, washed Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted Bonewhite.


Standard snowy base.


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