
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Painting a glacier/water elemental


Our MAGUS characters can now command elemental slaves. Of course, regular elementals are way too mainstream: ours are each combinations of two elements. And so we get to this frosty themed water elemental - a perfect excuse to blend some blues.


Spray Macragge Blue.

For the lower half, blend Heavy Blue and Magic Blue.

For the upper half, blend Magic Blue and Electric Blue. 

At this point I also realized that the lower blend is barely visible after the colors dried, so I glazed some Ultramarine Blue.

Basecoat the body Turqoise, then blend it into the surrounding colors.

Accentuate details with Drakenhof Nightshade.

White highlights: face details, breasts, etc.

Glaze the raised body parts using Guilliman Blue, for some variation. I initially wanted to blend towards Jade Green, but abandoned the additional of another color (green) in favor of the monochrome blue look.



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