
Monday, August 5, 2019

Storm King's part 24 - Erős Pista face POC la capul tau

The Queen[1], one so called “Aunt”, some guards and the brave Adventurers all wait in Hekaton’s throne room for the two elder sister to be arrested.

The patrols sent in the search of the sisters report back with news that one sister is arrested and the other one escaped. When hearing the news the so called aunt suspects that she will be exposed as part of the plan so she takes action before any of us can react. She pulls the necklace from the queen’s neck and disappears by magic. The act is not without consequences, the Queen remains paralyzed on the throne and with great effort we manage to take her out of there.

When talking to the folks in Hekaton’s palace it seems that nobody truly knows how this “aunt” came to the palace and acted as advisor for Hekaton’s daughters.

The problem is partially solved but we still don’t know the whereabouts of the great Giant King. So we kindly request to be transported to a more familiar location.

The destination is really really familiar to us, because this is again Waterdeep, well at least half a day walking from Waterdeep.[2]

As we wonder what just happened and how we managed to be in the middle of all these events a large party from the Hungarian kingdom passes our way.[3]

The powerful Archmage is leading the convoy and it seems that they are actively looking for Szivem, their lost heir to the throne (or at least their princess). They want their princess returned to the palace at all costs, almost at all costs, and when Szivem refuses to go with them the fight starts.[4]

Erős Pista[5] the mightiest of them all, starts banging everything he meets in his way. We fight, they fight, but in the end Szivem threatens that she will commit suicide if they don’t put down their weapons and let us go on our way. This seems to have a great impact on the Archmage and they retreat with the promise that our paths will cross again.

We go to the tavern to get our strength back and also get some information from our guilds. The information costs but is not without purpose. After two days we learn what we where waiting for. A floating casino with special invitation (that we received in the shape of a coin) might have information about the Giant King. So off we go...

[1] Ruling Princess actually.
[2] It is fortunate that these seafaring giants traveled to the coast around Waterdeep at some point.
[3] Involving the players' backstory like a boss.
[4] They don't seem terribly bothered that she aged 10 years in the meantime.
[5] This pun would be terribly complicated to properly explain.

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