
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #9 Game


The scouts set up the terrain, establishing a defensive perimeter some way from the downed Thunderhawk. Their mission: hold back the enemy! Each enemy unit in the scouts' zone at the end of the game meant victory points for the rebels.

The close combat and support scouts hid in the treeline, leaving the snipers and Oberon in the back lines. A large protruding rock provided excellent cover for 3 sniper scouts, while Oberon established himself a nest complete with razor wire.


The rebel advance was preceded by a barrage of mortar and artillery shells. After Oberon and Decarion were severely wounded, the rest of the scouts that were hit thought it safe to duck and cover (for 1 CP each), suffering only light wounds.

With the bombardment finished, the rebels advanced on the scouts. The scouts opened fire, eliminating cultists and wounding the rogue psyker.
The infantry wave was followed by a rumbling Chimera.

The scouts continued to lay fire into the advancing cultists, then braced for the charge. More reinforcements showed up: elite troopers and a traitor legionary!

The back line of scouts held positions and kept up the firing discipline. The front line held on, Argus and Boreas eliminating most of the cultist squad.

They took advantage of advanced tactics: retreating. allowing Derex and Carnak to shoot the cultists, then charged back in.

Oberon scored a direct hit, leaving the Chimera severely damaged.
The support scouts joined the melee, desperately battling the spawn.

The battle accelerated.
Elite troopers jumped out of the damaged Chimera, taking out Grigor in a hail of super-heated plasma fire.
The traitor marine commanded the cultists to cut their own throats. The air rippled and reality split, allowing fledgling daemons - Furies - into this world.
The sniper scouts finally caught the rogue psyker on open ground, splitting his head with well placed shots.

As the traitor marine and its daemonic allies crashed into the front line of scouts, Alpha Squad buckled. Luckily for them, the battle was over at that instant...


The enemy managed to take out 4 of the front line scouts, but, as tradition dictates, there were no permanent casualties.

Only 4 enemy units made it into the first deployment zone, and none into the second. The scouts had eliminated enough cultists to turn the mission into a minor victory!

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