
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #9 Story

Karn racked his sniper rifle, and fired. The shot hit, but deflected harmlessly off power armor. The traitor marine howled, his voice distorted by the grotesque helmet. Karn ducked, as his position was showered by bolt shells. He scurried over to another balcony, and looked around. From the neighboring hab-block, another sniper scout held the traitors back for a moment with supressing fire. Then he too had to duck, as the tank opened up again. Although Karn never considered Rhinos to be anywhere near a main battletank, this foul machine, decorated with blasphemous sigils and symbols that made the eyes hurt, was outfitted with some sort of frag launcher and one of those powerful bolters that the marines also carried.

Using the momentary respite, as the enemy concentrated on the other hab-block, Karn stuck his head out. He identified the positions took up by Alpha Squad in an instant. Their situation was dire. The vox was useless, spouting in turn blasphemous curses or ululating cries. Multiple scouts had been incapacitated, or otherwise severely wounded. The enemy was pressing them hard. He saw no way out. Except...
It must have been the Emperor interceding on their part. Karn saw no other explanation. After the final fusilade, the enemy weapons fell silent almost as one. The chaos marines reloaded. The near silence was eerie  after the continuous firefight, and it wouldn't last long. Karn inhaled, then shouted at the top of his lungs.
He ducked back immediately, and his position was again battered by bolter fire. The surviving cultists added their meager autoguns to the onslaught, and a moment later, the frag launcher on the Chaos Rhino thumped and fired as well. Karn fell back. He could only hope that his squad mates had heard him, and had understood his meaning. He would provide them with some cover - wild shots fired while running... as much as he could muster while making his escape.

Two days later - Emperor knows how - Alpha Squad had reunited at grid point Sigma-9.


Argus looked around, nursing his left arm. His squad was in terrible shape. By their looks, some had escaped through the sewers. Others ran through ruined hab-blocks. Carnak had oily stains on his armor. He must have hid in an abandoned manufactorum. Almost all of them sported serious wounds. They were low on ammo and supplies. They were a sorry bunch. But they were alive. Thank the Emperor, they were all alive.

Argus blinked, and stood up straight. He forced his hurt arm to bend normally.

'Alpha Squad - attention!'

As one, the Scouts stiffened and straightened. Oberon almost dropped his missile launcher, his bandaged arm bleeding again. Derex had to support Boreas. But they stood. Argus almost gave away a smile. Almost.

'The enemy hounds us at every step. They think us defeated, and are looking to finish us off. We will surprise them. We will retreat, and bring news of this heresy to Veteran Sergeant Danicus.'

He looked each of them in the eyes.

'The war for Mane Primus has entered its final stage. The instigators of this rebellion have stepped forth. They think it will strengthen their heretical efforts. I say: they only made it easier for us to kill them! Let us rearm, and then attack with renewed vigor!'

The scouts cheered as one.

'For the Emperor! For Dorn!'


6 days later, the scouts were again on board the Lux Imperatoris.

They had made their way through the ruined cityscape, fighting the cultists and evading the legionaries.
They encountered a column of PDF troopers who turned out to be traitors. The scouts executed them without mercy.
They encountered another battalion, this time loyal to the Imperium. Using their long range vox transmitters, they had requested aid. Danicus sent the Thunderhawk for them.

Once aboard, the scouts wasted no time. They needed to rest, but Argus had them prepare first. They rearmed and resupplied, treating wounds to the best of their abilities. Argus had barely sent his message to Danicus when the aircraft rocked. He steadied himself. The voice of the pilot crackled over the interior voxcaster.

'Taking flak. Engaging intercept course. Estimated detour: 10 minutes.'

Argus strapped himself into his seat. The Thunderhawk rocked again, as the dorsal cannon fired. Argus imagined the effect. The Thunderhawk Cannon was powerful enough to melt ferrocrete. The enemy anti-aircraft position was likely vaporised, along with the traitor militia manning it.

The Lux Imperatoris banked, then turned to rise again. A powerful explosion from the left made the ship spin, and Argus was thankful for the seatbelt.

'Enemy in posession of heavy weapons. Escape course plotted.'

Argus thought he detected an edge in the pilot's voice. No, he must have imagined it.

The next explosion was followed by a loud bang, and the aircraft's internal voxcaster blared with alarm.

'Direct hit taken.'

Another loud explosion, more alarms.

'Multiple direct hits taken.' The pilot corrected himself tersely. 'Engines damaged. Executing emergency landing.'


A few very tense minutes later, Alpha Squad clambered out through the least damaged doorway. The Thunderhawk had landed badly, although they were still alive, so that counted for something. Up ahead, the Techmarine pilot and the rest of the crew also got out, somehow. They moved around the ship, checking for damage. It looked like they weren't going anywhere soon, so the scouts started working as well, salvaging equipment and checking their weapons.


Boreas signaled, and Argus looked up. The co-pilot was approaching. Argus completed the weapons check, then stood straight. The marine stopped, mouthgrill emitting slight clicks. Vox. Argus was annoyed at being left out, but the conversation might have been technical in nature, and he was of no use there. Finally, the transmission stopped, and the marine removed his helmet. Argus looked into his eyes - one clear blue, one cybernetic red - set into a battle scarred face.

'Scout sergeant! Take your men and establish a perimeter. We will reestablish communication and effect field repairs, but we need time.'

'Yes, Sir.'

The marine nodded, then turned to leave. He hesitated.

'Scout sergeant... this is the first time this aircraft was brought down in this campaign. I suspect the traitor marines are behind this. Be prepared for anything.'

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