
Monday, September 30, 2019

Age of Sigmar Meeting Engagement Tournament

We had the first local Age of Sigmar tournament this Saturday. The details and precise results are at the links below; but short version: 1000 point Meeting Engagement scenarios in randomly determined realms.

Of course, playing competitive is no reason to leave the narrative behind!


Virulax spat at the Nurgling in front of him, dousing it in mucus. Unsatisfied, he threw his head back, then disgorged the contents of his stomach. It took a full minute for the tiny creature to claw its way out, squealing joyfully. Virulax noted the direction of escape, then ordered his warband to march that way. Hours later, they came across a working realmgate...

Virulax thanked his Grandfather for another chance to prove himself. The bits of arcane power scattered across the realms were his to gather. He was sure that other champions would also be chosen by their paltry gods as well... he tightened his grip on his massive sword, then ordered his warband to march into the portal.



The tournament went down well; congratulations and thanks to the organizers, for excellent planning and wondrous prizes!

It was the first time we did competitive Age of Sigmar, and it showed, as people were picking their Hidden Agendas while the TO was still explaining rules and rolling for realmscape features, all this beyond the initial official start time. Once we got to the games though, all of it rolled fluently. At least during my matches, all my opponents were paragons of sportsmanship, and I awarded (and was awarded) 5/5 etiquette points to everyone. (Although don't get me wrong, as there were some misunderstandings and even the occasional shouting; but I myself did not experience any of it directly.)

Most surprising was that we finished the games on time. I had two games finish before the official end time, and just one going overtime - there we had a sudden death at the end of battle round 3.

I've met Skaven and Gloomspite Gitz before, and the games went down about as I expected in terms of gameplay. Sylvaneth were new, and boy was I not prepared for the amount of summoning. 

I was generally bad at killing things (killpoints were a tie breaker, but luckily for me I never got to apply them), although I did manage to snag the scenario killpoints several times. I find that the Cycle of Corruption (or as I like to call it, the wheel of fortune) helps a lot here, as the armies generally don't clash in the first turn, but I can get the cheeky mortal wound in here and there.

I was however very good at holding objectives, which is I guess playing to my army's strengths... or, more precisely, resilience. That, and going second when it mattered. 


A glorious victory on all fronts! All spoils to the victor!

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