
Monday, September 30, 2019

Age of Sigmar Tournament: Maggotkin vs Gloomspite Gitz


The Drones of the Plague were the first to buzz their way across the arid planes of Aqshy. Every beat of the wing, Every Step... a League. A Feculent Gnarlmaw sprouted up welcomingly... right next to the fearsome shrine of the Gloomspite Gitz.

Battle round 1

The goblin cavalry advanced toward  the priority objective, but Nurgle's influence was already waxing upon the land. The parched ground turned to mush, and Plaguebearers arose, taking the place of interest.

Battle round 2

The Loonboss drove his giant cave squig into the Drones, but his momentum itself turned against him in the searing heat. Drained of moisture, the desiccated beast and rider stood little chance in combat.

The squigs and their riders charged the hapless Plaguebearers, annihilating them, but leaving themselves exposed to the countercharge of the Drones of the Plague.

Goblin shaman chanted without respite, and a great green hand seemed to lift the Mangler Squigs into the air, depositing them on the ever shifting place of power. But the servants of the Bringer of the Pox stood ready, taking the objective through sheer numbers.

With the mighty Virulax himself now on the field, and the plagueband ahead of the gitz in both casualties inflicted and power gathered, victory seemed at hand.

Battle round 3

Lead by the Mangler Squigs, even the lesser beasts shredded the Plaguebearers on the right flank. Unfortunately for the gitz, the Drones made even quicker work of the left flank, being aided by the magics of the Great Unclean One. The lead of the plagueband consolidated...

Battle round 4

Having lost their momentum, the gitz faltered... and the plagueband took full advantage, taking all points of interest.


Another glorious victory, again with the maximum amount of points obtained in this mighty challenge.

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