
Monday, September 30, 2019

Age of Sigmar Tournament: Maggotkin vs Sylvaneth


This time, Virulax lead the charge. He needed to set the right example. The Realm of Light, this Domain of Symmetry and Purity, made his skin crawl.

Battle round 1

Virulax advanced toward the center ground, unsure of what foes he faced this time. He tested the weight of his blade, while absently directing Nurglings to infest the realmgate. It held a place of power, and so it was of interest to him.

But this land did not take kindly to the corruption. Trees sprouted from the ground... some of them coming alive! Dryads charged the Nurglings, their general ensuring that they did not falter. As the two vanguards clashed in the center, Virulax beheld his true foe: Alarielle, the Everqueen herself rode to battle!

Battle round 2

With the Sylvaneth in the lead, the battle was on for the middle ground. Although the plagueband was no match for them in savagery, they made up for it in cunning and resilience. Each time the realmgate changed hands, the plagueband suffered more casualties, but gathered more and more power. 

Battle round 3

The Bringer of the Pox himself had cleared the realmgate of Dryads, eliciting the intervention of Alarielle herself. With all forces on the table, Virulax ordered a full-on assault, intent on taking the middle ground.

The backfield Tree-Revenants were overwhelmed by Plaguebearers and Plague Drones.
The Dryads up front were tied up by more Plaguebearers.
Finally, Virulax himself assaulted the Dryads holding the realmgate, destroying just enough of them to take the place of power for himself.

Enraged, but powerless and out of time, Alarielle signaled the retreat.


A minor victory, but a victory nonetheless! The plagueband had been on the backfoot in the beginning, but aggressive positioning and an unrelenting drive to hold the center realmgate assured that the day went to Virulax.

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