
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Painting a barwench


A medieval barwench for MAGUS. The inspiration for her outfit is the present-day Oktoberfest apparel. Well, leaning a bit on the medieval fantasy side, of course.


Simple blue progression on her skirt and headscarf. Start with a Heavy Blue basecoat.

Drakenhof Nightshade darkens the recesses. Highlight with Magic Blue, then mix of Magic Blue and Electric Blue.

Blond hair.

Simplified black corset. Eyes. Warm white tablecloth.

For the wine pitcher, I envisioned something like ceramics.

Basecoat Khaki. Mix Khaki and Orange Fire; paint the upper 1/3, then feather downwards.

Mix Sun Yellow into the previous mix, paint a thick edge, then feather downwards.

Wash the whole pitcher in Agrax Earthshade, then use the previous mix to edge highlight.

Blood for the Blood God! Wine for the wine god?

For the beermugs, I thought of translucent glass. Not terribly realistic for medieval times, but whatever.

Basecoat Heavy Goldbrown, higlight the lower half with Sun Yellow.

I thought the mugs weren't yellow enough, so I washed them in Cassandora Yellow. This meshed the previous colors into each other, so I did a second highlight of Sun Yellow, then Fluorescent Yellow. Finally, spot highlight Off White; also paint the foam.

Glaze the foam in Lamenter's Yellow, then highlight Off White.

Superhighlight white. Also spot highlight the mugs.

Notice that I roughed up the way-too-clean-for-a-tavern tablecloth by stipling Agrax Eartshade.


Wooden floor, in some filthy tavern. I made some improvements by stipling the washes on while they were still wet, for some blending to occur.


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