
Monday, October 7, 2019

Storm King's part 25 - Casino Royale

We all teleport to Yartar, thanks to our Harpers allies, just to find out that the Casino we are looking for is in fact a ship that is traveling on the river.[1]

We dress like royalty to make a good first impression and head to the local tavern. Here we are guided to talk to the Baroness Nestra Ruthiol. As always we don’t want to leave without leaving a great impression so we are getting “drunk like a pig” (romanian expression) and the weakest of us all, Selene, manages to vomit blood the next day. Well this will leave an impression alright![2]

The next morning we head to the Baroness' citadel and find out that this is heavily guarded.[3] We try to convince the guards to let us in and what better way to do that than offering sex?  The guard “performs his mating ritual” with the youngest of us all, Szivem, who seems quite impressed after such a performance (later to be seen).[4]

We will meet the baroness soon, if soon means 3 hours of waiting. Although our best clothes are fine, they are not fit for the casino so we need to deceive the owner into really believing us to be nobles (except for Szivem of course who is indeed noble). Sandel, cousin of the baroness, will take us shopping for new clothes that will get us in as nobles on the casino boat.[5]

Now that we are properly dressed we head to the casino and start spending the money. Selene and Solid play the tables while another woman telepathically attacks Selene and tells her not to cheat anymore.[6]

We get the information that lord J.G.[7] may be involved in some less than legal activities. We manage somehow to get an audience with the lord J.G.[8] and when we are alone we start interrogating him.[9] He finally admits that he knows the whereabouts of King Hekaton and that the ship he is on is called Morgoth and wanders around the Northern Islands, but can’t be detected through magic. Before he can give us more info he suddenly dies in a bloody way...[10]

[1] Called the "Grand Dame", which I translated to "Dama Fitzoasa"
[2] I can stop complaining about the lack of social interaction and RP at this point.
[3] Quite unexpected, eh? She is a regional ruler, after all.
[4] And I can stop complaining about the lack of character development, as well. Szivem has quite a journey from spoiled princess to realizing that just about anything can be bought for the right price. Also: the sex consequences table, which I originally designed with Selene in mind, came in very handy.
[5] Expensive, but quick.
[6] Who would have thought that a rich man's casino would have guards on the lookout...
[7] The owner of the Grand Dame is called Lord Khaspere Drylund, but I took some liberties with the source material and described him "as Jeff Goldblum in Thor: Ragnarok". That stuck at least.
[8] By sneaking after him when he unexpectedly becomes sick.
[9] He is a sensible man, and he knows he cannot stand up to a group of adventurers.
[10] Bleeding profusely out of all orifices, for no apparent reason.

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