
Monday, October 7, 2019

Storm King's part 26 - The Dwarven treasure

So here we are in the casino office of a dead man, all around there is blood, so it is the best time for looting the place out.[1] While we are looking for treasures and holdings the only thing that comes to my mind is that we found some kind of sword with Hentai/Octopus handle that Szivem decided to keep and some gold items for selling.[2]

Steps are heard from outside the office and who’s the best person to make up a quick plan other than someone who wasn’t there the last time. Of course we make a “smart” decision at the time and that is to teleport outside the casino to the river shore. We don’t have to give explanations about the dead body now, phew…[3]

We are days away from Yartar so we start walking back to town. Approaching the great town we see that the number of guards has doubled and there is an unusual check at the gate, like the guards are looking for something or somebody. 

It’s not hard to presume that the casino boat reached the town before us and the guards are looking for the killers of J.G.

They are looking for a big party of Adventurers so we decide to split up to enter the city. The girls Tari, Szivem and Selene will go together and lie about who they are, a plan that worked like a charm.[4] Now it is time for the boys to pass the gates, this is a harder task than one can imagine because there is a life cleric involved who is having a hard time lying. The boys decide to get drunk in order to force the cleric to lie and don’t feel bad about it. Funny thing while role playing the drunken boys both Characters and Players forgot that we are at the gates of Yartar and start arguing about how they want to enter Mirabar, the home town of Groin. This convinces the guards to let the drunk people in, lots of laughs after the DM announces that we successfully entered Yartar while trying to enter Mirabar.[5]

As our final destination should be some Northern Islands and all the brave sailors from taverns are advising us not to go, we need to ask a long overdue favor from our friend White Face[6], a nice pirate we had business with before. It seems that the pirate is gone by sea and expected to return in about 3 weeks.

3 weeks is a long time to wait and do nothing, so we decide to take our chance on the hint we had about the dwarven treasure being stolen from Geogleheim[7]. We buy horses from Yartar and off we go to great adventures.[8]

At the dwarven fortress there is a long line for entering. People from all over the place try to enter the fortress. We announce ourselves to have great news for the ruler and so we are escorted to see the leader. When we warn them about the treasure being stolen they take us for fools but soon they will find out that our words are the truth because their treasure is indeed stolen. Just that is not gold and jewelry as it was a fire elemental that heated their forges.

We offer to help find the intruders in exchange for our heads… as at first the dwarves are very angry and accuse us of being the thieves.

As detectives we inspect the place and all seems to be the work of drow elves. We even encounter a late party that is retreating, and try to send regards to our friend Zyn. On hearing the name the drows attack, it seems they don’t like that name for some reason.

In the battle it’s SOLID’s time to shine as he turns into a killing machine, sweeping blows left and right. In the end all the intruders are killed except for one[9] that runs away. We try to follow the steps but it seems they vanished.

We go tell the dwarven leader the news and of course he is not happy about the result but in the end we manage at least to get out alive.

On our way back to Yartar[10], Szivem if feeling sick, so on a medical inspection it is easy to see that she’s with child… so that is what a guard performance looks like.[11]

[1] ... Yeah.
[2] Hint: you did not look hard enough.
[3] Heh. Heh. Heh. Ooops.
[4] I actually liked that part.
[5] I actually also liked this part, too.
[6] See here.
[7] Gauntlgrym. Shameful for a dwarf to mis-pronounce the name like that.
[8] This actually happened in either Neverwinter or Luskan, but we can skip that part. The journey was uneventful in either case. Mostly because I got to pity the adventurers by this point and decided not to throw random wilderness encounters at them.
[9] Two. Which is where you forgot the funniest part of the chase. So the two drow mages made their escape, leaving their bodyguards to delay the adventurers. One warrior managed to flee before getting cut down. Selene launched herself in pursuit, teleporting to just above the drow elf, landing on top of him, then killing him from close range. So, NO ACTUAL BENEFIT. Groin tried talking to the dead man's soul, but the drow did not wish to help in any way.
[10] Luskan
[11] Even though I again took pity on the player and had her roll again on the table. The dice had their say, and I'm not one to mess with Lady Luck.

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