
Monday, December 2, 2019

Storm King's part 29 - Above the Eagle's Nest

As we pass by the destroyed areas we reach a canyon entrance with two imposing statues that have their hands pointing out like they are trying to say HALT!!!

Mighty adventurers are not afraid of such warnings and deeper into the canyon we go.

Enemies attack us from everywhere: An Eagle[1] descends from its nest in order to destroy us;

... a Troll[2] is swinging his mace at us;

 ... and a half naked lady in a company of two bears[3] is charging us.

The fight is fearsome but in the end we kill all beasts and monsters and let only the half naked girl survive. As she is running into a cave we have time to loot the Eagle’s Nest, 3 magic items and a small amount of silver is  the treasure the eagle was guarding so fiercely.

We need our rest in order to go further so we choose to take a small break in the cave from where the bears and the half naked barbarian/druid came from. We are surprised by a group of hunters returning “home” with a killed stag. They are not happy to see us there so they attack, we kill them no harm done :)

Something is moving in the darkness of the cave… what will attack us again? Tari’s sharp ears and vision discover a bear cub. Her Animal handling skills come in handy as she manages to tame the bear cub. Good job Ranger!!!

[1] Roc
[2] Stone Giant
[3] I got nothing for this one

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