
Monday, December 2, 2019

Storm King's part 30 - Rest is overrated

Solid seems to miss his mount, Stella, so while we try to rest he summons her just in case. If nothing else, this was the perfect time to get a horse.

We leave the caves and go outside the canyon to rest near the warning statue. While some of us read, others make jokes and the rest laugh. We missed this great times in our adventures.

It seems that someone is grumpy and a Stone Giant attacks us. Maybe he didn’t like the joke…

We see no point in continuing the rest with such a tough crowd (Stand-up comedy joke) so we go back to inspecting the caves.

One after another 3 Giants come and 3 giants fall under our weapons or spells. Seems that we are now richer with 3 giants heads, Hue Hue Hue!!![1]

The cave inspection is going quite well, we find the giants' treasure room where lots of money and riches await to be taken. Not so fast… a Giant patrol found the 3 headless giants and now they are looking for intruders. Luckily for us Invisibility is used just in time so no one suspects a thing.

The Giant patrol misses us and we can loot ahead, AHOY!!!

In our greed we forgot to check for traps! What could go wrong?

Selene, Szivem and Solid fall into some kind of mud/swamp and all of us are trying to get them out, inventive as always we use ropes, anchor and even our bodies to get them all out in time.[2]

During this time the Giant patrol finds us and the battle starts while we are fishing for our trapped companions. We manage to get them out full of mud and use Invisibility again to make our big escape. It seems that the mud is only invisible while we are wearing it and becomes visible when it falls off, so strange footprints appear on the ground revealing our location.

All 3 muddy people are killed brutally by giants, while Tari tries to cover Groin’s and Samael’s retreat from above the cave.[3]

So 3 live and 3 die, RIP Selene, Szivem and Solid, you will be missed. :([4]

[1] That's one way to get a giant head.
[2] I should use more quicksand. The adventurers first avoided it, but what can you do when you step over a hole covered by illusory magic and just... fall into it?
[3] Killed-killed, not beaten unconscious.
[4] Because apparently giants don't like when you kill their relatives. Who would have thought?

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