
Monday, March 30, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Talk to me...

Rise and shine! Or not really, because we awakened in the dungeon. Which is very much to my liking, feels just like home![1]

First order of business, I had some time to think about our progress, and the mirrors were still bugging me. We realized that they are only triggered by humanoids, so I sent in my skeletons to investigate. They could not pry the mirrors off, but I did find some of them to be illusory, and one of them hid a bronze mask. Score!

We advanced in the direction of "certain death"[2] and found a gang of goblins and bugbears. After the grell incident, I sent in my invisible owl to scout. They were playing around with a skeleton while chanting "Nimwraith". We killed them off, and found them to be carrying Xanatar insignias.[3]

We moved on, and I failed to open any doors with my -1 strength. I had to ask the girls to do it for me. After several doors, corridors and failed checks, we got into a room with tall columns. As we investigated, people moving in between the columns got various effects: taking damage or becoming invisible. We looked around carefully but discovered nothing else.

Another room contained a skeleton crucified on the wall, with an inscription in Infernal: "Talk to me". I tried talking to him in Infernal, but got no response.

After all the dingy corridors, we encountered a clean swept hall, well lit by magic candles. We decided to explore the dingy parts instead.

In an alcove, we ran across the statue of a nude man playing a harp, and a piece of wood lying next to him. We investigated, to find that the harp has a small inscription, something about looking at him with a bronze face and revealing secrets... I put on the bronze mask I found earlier, and lo and behold, it teleported me into a room. There, an old man on a large chair awaited, and told me to ask 3 questions... all would receive an answer, but one will be a lie. It went like this:
  • How do we get rid of the thing blocking our spells?
  • There is a switch!
  • How do we find the switch?
  • You don't!
  • How do we get the best treasure?
  • You have to defeat me!
With that, the old man disappeared, and a portal activated, taking me back to the statue and the rest of the party. While that was not particularly useful[4], we did find out that Sending spells don't work (at least into that room), and I looted a painting and a 10-foot wooden pole.

After this, we moved on to kill more bugbears, discover a secret door (which we did not enter) and an obelisk with a floating eye on top and bloody handprints all over (which we avoided, for now).

[1] I play a dark elf.
[2] We found a wall mark during the previous session.
[3] Some sort of evil guild.
[4] Depending on which answer was a lie, there is either a switch, or there isn't; if there is, we can't find it; and there may or may not be an end boss to this dungeon. Ha ha ha.

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