
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Painting a Graveyard Golem


The next largest commission work after the bone dragon, which a) looked simple enough to paint but b) gave me some ideas for experimenting: Reaper Bones Graveyard Golem.

Painting stone

I like the stone base of the bone dragon a lot better than previous attempts at stone. I attempted to replicate the same lighter tone.

Basecoat Stonewall Grey.

Overall wash Black, then apply patches of Citadel Contrast Black Templar.

Overall drybrush Cold Grey, then a softer drybrush around the edge of Stonewall Grey.

I then reapplied both colors as edge highlights as well.

Overall, I like the result. While painting the last edge highlights, I had the distinct impression that it's not needed. I think that the drybrush left a better look due to these stones being smaller and more textured than the bone dragon base.

Painting other details

Pick out all the skulls and bones. Paint the gates as corroded bronze.

Basing and after-effects

Woodland base. I went all out with a carpet of flowers, to offset the monotone, menacing grey of the stone.
I then proceeded to the experimentation part: moss. I mixed Dark Green and Sick Green with Typhus Corrosion to obtain some textured green paint, then applied thickly in select places with an old brush.

I then drybrushed with Dead Flesh, which really brought out the texture.


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