
Thursday, March 5, 2020

March goals

I expected to paint a lot of Khorne daemons (and possibly mortals?) in February. I have completed a single unit. Yay. And started work on two more. Or is it four more? Anyway. Unfortunately, the selection of units available for Khorne in Warhammer 40k is still not very strong (to put it mildly), so my initial vision of getting lots of varied stuff ready to use in both 40k and Age of Sigmar quickly went down the drain.

Instead we have:

Announcing March, the month of completing stuff! I need to put the finishing touches on at least my Bloodthirster-stand-in, and the squad of 10 Bloodletters that I started retouching. It is also high time that I finished the skeletons I animate in D&D, perhaps even paint a few zombies for the same purpose. After that, I'll have to see to finishing my Path to Glory warband (unless it grows further in the meantime), as well as cobble something together for 40k.

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