
Thursday, March 5, 2020

(Re-)Painting Bloodcrushers


I bought 3 assembled and painted (?) Bloodcrushers some time ago. They never made it out of their box, until the Path to Glory campaign hit, and I decided to revitalize my Khorne forces. The first "newly painted" unit to be completed, I decided on a standard red-brass color scheme for them.

(Not quite) Original state

They were also based on 60mm round bases (the previous standard) and flocked with brown rocks. I had previously re-based them for play in Age of Sigmar. 



First, some uniformity across the squad (one of them was a much lighter red). I painted the mounts with Gory Red and the riders with Heavy Red.

Then bathed them all in Carroburg Crimson.

Basecoat the silver parts in Gunmetal and the armor trim and symbols in Brassy Brass. I was really unimaginative - just followed the box art.


Bloodletter skin - like this, soon to become a painting tip.

Also eyes and tongues, where I tried a shortcut and I'm not particularly happy about: basecoat white, wash Hexwraith Flame.


Juggernaut skin - a simple red progression over the Gory Red washed with Carroburg Crimson. I glazed Gory Red as a highlight, then edge highlighted with Bloody Red around the recesses, on sharp corners, etc.


This was my first experiment with Citadel gloss washes, and I must say, they are liquid talent in a pot! Nuln Oil Gloss and Reikland Fleshshade Gloss - and they barely require any highlights!

A simple but effective (or more likely unusual) Hellblade, washed with Carroburg Crimson.

Highlight the brass in Polished Gold. Highlight the silver in Silver.

Also edge highlight the blade.

Paint the eyes Waystone Green.



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