
Monday, April 27, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Fake vampires, part 2

Having completed our "business" with the first fake vampire gang, we decided on pressing on towards the second gang. Of course, we wouldn't be ourselves if it went without issues...

The first corridor led us to a large hall, with a throne made of bones right in the middle. Selene decided to have a seat[1], causing the snake-shaped handrests to animate and biting her, with a quite potent poison. She did notice that the throne conceals a hidden compartment, which she tried to open, only to be bitten again. This time she fell unconscious. I bandaged her up, then sent a zombie to look - it was empty. Time and resources well spent.

Especially because that's when gang no. 2 showed up, backed up by a flesh golem. They refused our reasonable terms, and were not intimidated by their rivals/comrades risen as zombies. We swung into action, with Ireth taking the brunt of the attacks after turning into an Ankylosaurus.

Things were going well (although I did have to patch up Selene again), so Selene[2] summoned a hostile unicorn. The first gang also came back, furious at the lawful appropriation of their goods.

The battle thus took the rest of the session. As we played it over Skype - theater of mind style - there are no pictures to insert. Some highlights include: I transferred my own life energy to reanimate Selene for the 13th time; the zombies caressed a bandit for several turns, without inflicting any hits; Ankylosaurus/Ireth took a bucketload of hits, but she tanked like a boss.

After the battle, we looked around some more, finding a wyvern skeleton. Selene tried to put the skeleton on the throne, only to be bitten again.


Short rest.

[1] No one to argue with, our princess missing the online sessions.
[2] Yes. Her. Again.

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