
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Painting Modrons


Another take on Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures: a monodrone and a duodrone. Our wild magic sorceress is a fan of summoning these, so I bought them from our FLGS. (No direct link, so look it up here).


I wanted to experiment a brown metallic gradient with no shades.

Basecoat Tinny Tin - start from the darkest metallic I have.

I started highlight with a mix of Tinny Tin and Brassy Brass, but after it dried, the gradient was barely visible. I gave in way too fast and applied a wash of Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted with Polished Gold.

Regular silver parts.

Base and after-effects

I replicated the light grey stone of the bone dragon and added the same dry tufts.
I applied Waystone Green on the eyes.


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