
Monday, April 20, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Fake vampires

The second online session during the COVID-19 self-quarantine went smoother than the first. We had the tools in-place... at least those of us who hadn't saved  their character sheets on different laptops :D

Jumping into the game, we started off with some maintenance work, as I had to take time to learn spells from the spellbook we looted.[1] The other adventurers tried to pry some info out of the Zhentarim, but to no avail. At least we know that the Harpers sidequest should take us to Skullport on level 3 of the dungeon.

We were also approached by a guy named Volo[2] who asked us to look out for the alabaster throne of the elven king Illefarn. We promised to do so, given the rewards involved.

We descended into the dungeon on our flying brooms[3] and started out in good spirits, only to be ambushed two rooms in by two monstrosities hanging from the ceiling and lashing out at us with their tentacles. We made short work of them, then cut them up for good measure, in case they had some treasure inside.[4]

We then headed out into the northern side of the dungeon. We were enticed a bit by the presence of a mysterious voyeur, who spied at us again using the secret peep-hole. To our surprise, we were shortly greeted by a bunch of well-dressed noble vampires, who asked for a fee of passage into their territory. I smelled balderdash and looked at them with a critical eye, discerning that they are merely disguised humans! I then proposed a hard counter-deal to them[5], which they refused and attacked. Heh. Looks like they don't agree to the idea of strangers taking all their money. I kind of understand them.

The battle was quite long - this takes more time over Skype. I miss the physical battlemats and the miniatures :-( But we cut them down, to the man. And woman. And doppelganger.

I had the occasion to test some cool new abilities. Summon Lesser Demons, for once. A shame my horde of Manes survived exactly half a turn, with Selene unleashing her Fireball. At least they absorbed some attacks before dying. I also tried out being a tank. I stood shoulder to shoulder with the plate-armored paladin, taking hit after hit. The robbers did not take kindly to my hard negotiations... And so I stood, with Mage Armor and Shield providing most of my protection. Solid blocked some attacks with his shield, and I showed these amateurs the true meaning of vampirism by leeching their life away with Vampiric Touch.

After the battle was over, we looted the bodies and looked around the hall. The only thing worth noting was a broken staff, which I repaired with Mending. Of course it let out some shouted words, before the magic faded away. This brought 4 more actors/vampires to the hall, but seeing the devastation, they agreed to our proposed business terms. We left them to their own devices, and looted their belongings right off the card table they were playing on.

Oh, and I raised two of their comrades as zombies.

Next time, we'll deal with the rest of their gang, and voila! we have some minions.

[1] And forgot to sell after the fact.
[2] If he's the one with the Volo's guide books, he's rather famous.
[3] We've already attracted enough attention, no point in giving gold for the descent.
[4] Hint: no.
[5] Eliciting some virtual groans and facepalms from the party. Some still remember the bandit encounter. I wasn't worried, with enough spell slots for Invisibility..

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