
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Painting a female elf bard


Another commission work in Reaper Bones.


Again, I had the paint scheme imagined as soon as I looked at the mini and saw no opportunities for experiments. Again, I decided on experimenting with painting techniques instead. Usually I paint one detail at a time, while I watch/listen to some light content (nothing that would require concentration like an audiobook). This time, I sketched a plan with all the different areas, and got to painting 3-4 at a time. This uses slightly more paint but saves time. Having predefined color schemes for given details helps a lot, as I don't have to think about what paint to use next, I just check my painting tips. I painted some larger basecoats first, then looked at how to order the areas to minimize slopping over. 

Not in the order of painting, this mini has:
3 areas not covered by painting tips are:
  • fletching (Dead White basecoat, Black wash, Dead White highlights - done in parallel with the eyes)
  • strings (overbrush Silver, done when highlighting the metals)
  • pants (green progression, Dark Green mixed into Sick Green mixed into Dead Flesh)


Woodland base.


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