
Monday, April 13, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Greeks online

This session was timed for the first week of the COVID-19 social distancing period. We already postponed it once due to many adventurers being sick, so we decided to have our game on-line. Our Dungeon Master was very accommodating: we joined a Skype call, and he created censored versions of the dungeon map (where he deleted any parts we haven't explored yet) for us to have a visual understanding of the situation. He also readied the physical battle maps, but our battles were fought in tight corridors, where the theater-of-the-mind type approach was sufficient (although we are quite used to battle maps, and some time was needed to properly adjust).

Anyway, the adventurers started by getting a grip on the situation and deciding on a course of action. We saw a narrow tunnel opening, and we headed in. The way was led by an armored skeleton, followed by Zyn (myself)... and that's about all that matters. We encountered monsters after the first bend, and nobody else had line of sight to them. I fought two gricks (which we first misheard as Greeks and kept that joke alive for the rest of the session) with only a skeleton to help. I managed to kill one and stall the other, while the rest of the party decided to move back out of the tunnel. We set up an ambush, but the thing did not follow us out... On closer inspection, we were still battered from last session's encounters, so we sat down to have food and drinks (i.e. short rest) while I applied bandages to everybody. Mostly to myself.

We headed back in, in the same order, got into the same situation, and killed the grick in much the same way.

We made our way in the narrow tunnels past an intersection into a collapsed man-made hall, which contracted then expanded again. Tari detected faint crying sounds up ahead, so we readied ourselves. In a larger area, a couple of gricks were frolicking around (or whatever it is they do), and we butchered them mercilessly. In one corner we discovered a closet, which Selene immediately opened and started rummaging around, completely ignoring the man inside.

After an awkward moment, we got the fellow out. He introduced himself as Kelim the Weasel (hint hint personality traits), a member of an adventuring company who came down into the Undermountain. He wandered away in search of treasure, and was trapped here by the gricks for many days. We gave him food which he devoured, and asked for details about the dungeon. He had no information to offer, but he did give us the treasure he found: a spellbook. I pounced upon it! And greedily noted the contents. We inquired about further treasure, but the rogue offered up none, so I decided to attack and take it off his worthless corpse. But then I got bodyslammed by Selene... and the skeletons could not do enough damage, as he made his escape.[1]

After that debacle, we progressed further into the tunnels, arriving in a chamber with a sleeping boss grick. Well, it was only appearing to be asleep, as it woke up pretty fast after a couple of spells slammed into it. Fortunately, Tari and her bow made short work of the monster, and we could loot the place. On the ceiling, there was a minotaur corpse sitting in a throne... upside down. And its eyes were glittering. Luckily, Okos could fly up and pry out the gemstones.

This finished up the grick-infested tunnel sections, as we got back to the intersection we had discovered earlier. Time to move on.

To the south of the obelisk, we found a huge map (as described to us by Sylvia) representing the tiers of the Undermountain. Seems like we have a long way to go... with 23 levels, and us still being on the first one. At least some are more interesting... a flaming skull denoted the 3rd, a comet the 16th and a tower the 23rd. This one also had a rune drawn on it, which we later learned was the symbol of Halaster.

This room also contained a collapsed pit, with a half-elf pacing inside it. We pulled him out for questioning. This Garke fellow was also part of Kelim's adventuring company, but his party decided to kill him in his sleep for some reason... he awoke in the pit. Well, sort of. I discovered he is actually undead. Reanimated by the will for revenge? Anyway, we promised to help him in his quest. But not right then. He showed us a secret door, matching the description given by the obelisk... and we had no desire for another possibly tough fight.

We made our way back to the surface, to sell our ill-gotten gains and turn in for the night.

In the Yawning Portal, a noblewoman (Esvele Rosznar) gave us our second side quest: to find her long-lost brother, Kressando. Selene took the chance and went with her as a guest.

We sold off our goods, as I managed to convince Obaya to take the cursed longsword. I also found a shady merchant to take the glowing statue head. Solid made a good deal at the blacksmith's and leatherworker's. Now I just have to spend all that money to learn the spells from the spellbook...

[1] Literally no idea why this happened. Selene is usually the one to try to make money out of thin air...

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