
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Painting a crusader knight


Another commission work - a crusader knight in Reaper Bones (no store link yet).


The paintjob looked fairly simple to do, so I decided on experimenting with a new technique: speed painting metal armor, based on the painting tip.

Basecoat Gunmetal (ideally I would spray with Leadbelcher, but Reaper Bones does not like spray paint). Overall wash Black. Drybrush Gunmetal. Edge Chainmail Silver. Spot highlight Silver. It doesn't look bad! Obviously this only works if most of the mini needs to be painted in silver metallic.

Warm white cloth.
Simple gold progression on some details to break up the silver: basecoat Glorious Gold, wash Reikland Fleshshade, highlight Polished Gold.
Simple red progression on the symbol: Bloody Red, highlight Hot Orange.

Medium brown leather satchel and belt.

Silver finishings: correct any mistakes like that piece of armor overhanging the cloth; and paint any metals that are over other areas, such as the little plating on the satchel.



Blood for the Blood God! on the sword. I then decided that he's way too clean if the weapon has so much blood on it, so I splattered on some Gore Red using a toothbrush.


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