
Monday, April 6, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Is that you, Sylvia?

The session got off really slowly, as the party rearranged itself on the field of battle. We had stuff to explore and bodies to loot, we just couldn't decide how to begin... In the end, we manged it all.

First, the obelisk. Selene inspected the blood by tasting it no less, and got a shouted message from the obelisk: "I cast my eye into the future and see in yours a perilous descent. South of here, beyond a secret passage, waits the Two-Headed King. Look to his left. There you will see the path you are destined to take." Nothing else, the eye above was an illusion.

Second, the loot. I made the skeletons pull off every bit of armor and weapons form the bugbears. Not much but it's honest work.

With too many ways to choose from (and no map to see the dungeon layout, due to reasons), we had a long argument where to go next. I managed to convince everyone to go back to the clean-swept hallways. At least there were fewer corridors there. And so we did.

I tried to take a magic candle, but only the alcoves were magic, and the candles got back to being boring old regular things when taken out. I got mad, threw it on the clean-swept floor and spit on it, causing the princess[1] to wince.

My suspicions proved to be correct as we encountered some sort of ooze. It ate a skeleton and corroded its armor, but we managed to bring it down before it got to us.

At the other end of the clean corridors, we found a mirror in the wall, with a wizard etched into the wall around it. His magic wand looked like mine (a Wand of Secrets), so I tried to touch wands, take his appearance, strike the same pose in the mirror, etc. Okos identified the mirror as a magic gate, but could not discover its usage. Finally, Selene figured it out by touching her wand (of Magic Missiles) to the mirror, transforming it into a portal. Unfortunately, we could not pass, as we "Are not ready!". Sigh.

With the clean corridors explored, we went back to the obelisk room, and used the good old method of always taking the left way. Thus we managed to go through quite a lot, without help from the map!

Of course, there had to be an ominous floating eye in the secret corridor, but whatever.

One door, when opened, released an air elemental, which tore through us, killed my skeletons :( and ran away. We didn't even kill it...

More rooms revealed nothing of value, although I did recover an intact skeleton of some long-dead elf. We also found a sweet looking bathroom, which Selene immediately decided to use. I, on the other hand, decided to send in the invisible owl.

After that short break, we arrived at a door halfway open. The invisible owl revealed the room's contents: lots of giant rats and one obese wererat! We prepared our cantrips and opened the door. I was first, but I had the state of mind to shout "Surrender now!" after hitting the wererat with some damage, which he immediately did.

Flimdol turned out to be a talkative fellow, although he did not know much. His gang (consisting of one other wererat called Sylvia) came to the Undermountain in search of food, but they were running out and so he sent his minion to find some more. I switched to Elvish and asked the party if we can kill him now... people were undecided, so I decided to save him instead. He was quite eager to get rid of lycanthropy, which I solved with a Remove Curse spell. We gave him food and a torch, and sent him on his way.

In the next corridor, we also found Sylvia, who was much more helpful. She also got turned back to human, getting food and a torch, and she told us about a city level called "Skullport" deep in the Undermountain, as well as a map found on our current level, and a secret door she uncovered. I felt obliged to take care of her, and so I referred her to the Zhentarim for employment. Lots of useful skill can be picked up after 13 years as a wererat, after all.

[1] Szivem

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