
Monday, June 22, 2020

Dark Tides: Audience with the Adeptus Mechanicus

Report to the Rogue Trader

The players started off by summarizing the last session's investigation in reasonable detail, so I had their pagers beep and request their presence at the dropship. They received a request to report to their boss-man, Rogue Trader Varonius himself. They spent some time with back-and-forth communication, but they could not dig out any reasonable lead to follow. At last, Tass the Skitarius mentioned wanting to contact the local Adeptus Mechanicus, to which Varonius assented, and they were on their way.


Just as they were headed towards the descent point to the industrial section of the hive, several maintenance servitors approached them with malicious intent. Warder and Thrakus were vigilant, but Tass was boring Palmulata to death with the technical details of hive city architecture, and they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice the danger. Of course, power brooms and high throughput vacuum cleaners were no match for the party.

Magos Carborast

The agents descended to the lower tiers, making their way through the throng of factory workers. The people seemed even more exhausted than standard hive dwellers. At least street food vendors were available on this tier, selling everything from roast nutrient paste, to boiled nutrient paste, to nutrient paste mixed with algae.

The entrance to the AdMech conclave was without incident, as the agents heeded the warning of the Skitarius Alpha on guard and did not stray, following their servitor guide to the lair of Magos Carborast.

The conversation was less productive than hoped, with the Magos refusing all duplicate data submissions. The agents found out that someone with no finesse or skill hijacked the servitors and programmed them to kill, but then stubbornly refused to ask the "right" questions. I had them roll for intelligence to remember the clues in the crime scenes. Warder showed near-photographic memory, but Thrakus lost his patience while straining his brain and decided to threaten the Magos.[1] 

With the clues in mind, the agents could ask the Magos for leads to follow, putting 2 and 2 together to conclude that the killer(s) probably came from the underhive. The Magos calculated the most likely egress route - a cargo station headed by intendent Ivill Kreet. He advised the agents to interrogate Kreet before "biomass is euthanised for spare servitor parts". With transport provided, the party wasted no time.

Station SJST386

The agents confronted Ivill Kreet and asked about visitors from the underhive, which made the intendent and his work crew pull out guns. They all died horribly, with Thrakus getting his first chance to use his heavy flamer. As the workmen clogged the teeth of Palmulata's chainsword, had their molten brains leak out through their eyesockets and burn in holy promethium, Ivill made his escape through a rigged window. Unfortunately, he lost way too much time forcing it open[2] and was caught.

And by caught I mean: he was psychically Compelled to return to the room, while being wrestled to the ground by the space marine and the power armored battle sister.

Next up: interrogation.

[1] The complication resulted in a loss of Influence and the activation of the heavy bolter servitors stationed around the chamber.
[2] As I ran out of Ruin to do an extra action.

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