
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Skullcrushers command group conversion


I bought them off eBay for cheap, already assembled (which is always a mistake, I've come to learn). 

They were mounted on fantasy bases. The champion model had an icon stuck to the end of his glaive with blue-tac. Mould lines and even sprue clippings were still on.



Cut them off their bases using my hobby knife, clean off the mould lines and sprue clippings as best as I could. Remove the blue-tac'd icon. Clean off the blue-tac.

Horn quick-fix

Well of course one of the Juggernauts was missing his head ornament/horn/whatever. I've already used up that exact piece when building the Bloodcrushers, so I improvised.

Plastic glue to the rescue.

Replacement glaive

I have a bunch of old Chaos Knight arms (or at least that's what I think they are). I cut off the head of a poleaxe.

And glued it in place. Unfortunately, plastic glue did not want to hold for some reason.

So I pinned it and used superglue. Done.

Icon bearer and musician

I searched through my Bloodletter bits. I also had a the plastic stick off a Q-tip.

Start with the horn by chopping the hand off.

I tried a dry fit after this stage, and realized that I'm done. I lathered the stump in plastic glue so that it would stick to the inside of the shield. Like the guy is tired of blowing the horn and switched to his weapon for a time.

And nothing untoward is visible, from any angle.

On to the icon! I decided on saving the banner pole, and used the Q-tip instead. I tried on two positions: box art style, holding the icon in his shield hand...

...or winged hussar style, on his back. This is what I decided to stick with.

Use glue and green stuff to affix the icon to the stick. I should have pinned this, but oh well.

I tried to affix the banner to the back of the saddle as well as the back of the rider using glue, but it would not stick. So I pinned it, twice...

With appropriate holes drilled.

Superglue and we're done.

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