
Monday, July 6, 2020

Chaos Daemons vs Tyranids, 2020.07.04


Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [119 PL, 6CP, 2,000pts]
    • Hive Fleet Adaptations: Metamorphic Regrowth, Senses of the Outer Dark
    • Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]
    • Selections: 1 Extra Bio-artefact [-1CP]
  • Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 228pts] Selections: Adrenal Glands [5pts], Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword [15pts], Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught, Prehensile Pincer Tail, The Reaper of Obilterax, Toxin Sacs [4pts], Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms [14pts], Wings [2 PL, 47pts]
  • Hive Tyrant [9 PL, 167pts] Selections: Adrenal Glands [5pts], Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Power: The Horror, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Stranglethorn Cannon [15pts], The Venomthorn Parasite, Toxin Sacs [4pts]
  • Neurothrope [4 PL, 90pts] Power: Catalyst, Warlord
  • 2x 6-man Genestealers
  • 5-man Genestealers
  • 3-man Ripper Swarms
  • Haruspex
  • 6-man Hive Guard, Impaler Cannon
  • 5-man Zoanthropes
  • 3x Carnifex [104pts] Selections: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [15pts], Spore Cysts [10pts], Toxin Sacs [4pts], Tusks [8pts]
  • 2x Tyrannofex [11 PL, 179pts] Selections: Acid Spray [20pts], Powerful Limbs, Stinger Salvo [8pts]

Mission: Crucible of Champions

The Tyranids won the roll-off and chose to be Attacker.

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

The Tyranids deployed on the line, with the big monsters on the front line. Genestealers on the flanks, ready to take objectives. Psychic and ranged support in the ruins.

I built my trademark Plaguebearer wall. Big monsters in the middle, fast Khorne units on the flanks.


Tyranids, turn 1

The Tyranid line advanced. What surprised me, however, was the two Hive Tyrants rushing forward. I managed to deny Onslaught, allowing only one of them to charge. By removing Plaguebearers in front of the Great Unclean One, I presented a juicy target which I thought was tough enough not to die. I made a crucial mistake by also exposing the Daemon Prince, but fortune favors the bold (or the stupid) and the dice prevented any damage from happening.

Daemons, turn 1

I wanted to capitalize on the Tyranids over extending themselves. 

On the right flank, a unit of Flesh Hounds surged forward and killed the Genestealers, taking the objective. The Plague Drones advanced on the objective in the middle of the table. With my backfield Nurglings and Changecaster, objective domination was set. Now for the kills.

I sent my two Bloodthirsters into the uninjured Hive Tyrant, with the Bloodcrushers helping the Great Unclean One out. The Daemon Prince fell back - no reason to tempt fate twice. I also held back on the other flank. I had no wish to engage a wall of Carnifexes just yet.

Everything went just as planned. The middle Tyrant resisted all the attacks from one Bloodthirster (worrying me for a second) but fell on its face during the second set of attacks. Arbra'Gax, the Reaper of Vengeance did his job!

Tyranids, turn 2

The Tyranid line advanced again, this time with the big guns in range. Arbra'Gax was reduced to 2 wounds, the other got hurt, and the Plague Drones went down.  Doesn't matter, they did their job. The Haruspex charged in and failed to hurt the Bloodthisters, but got killed in return.

Otherwise, I got lucky with the Carnifexes which failed their charges.

Daemons, turn 2

The wall of Plaguebearers closed off the Carnifexes, while the center and right lines advanced. The Bloodcrushers ate the overwatch from the Tyranofex so Arbra'Gax could kill it. The other Bloodthirster charged the Hive Guard over the wall, laying in and destroying them. On the backfield, the Bloodletters landed to kill both Genestealer units and lock the surviving Tyranofex in combat.

At this point I was already thinking about secondary objectives, hence the Flesh Hounds advancing towards the enemy deployment zone.

Turn 3

At this point, the Tyranids had lost most of their hitting power. They went about their business, killing what they could, but I dominated the board completely. 

The Plaguebearers were decimated, but still enough to eat some Tyranofex overwatch and lock the big bug in combat again and again. 
My left flank finally broke out and fought the lone Carnifex behind the green crate.
The Bloodcrushers charged the Neurothrope and killed it with the 1 MW on the the charge stratagem. I think the Daemon Prince fought it last turn and inflicted the other wounds.
I could even afford to have the Bloodletters and the now barely living second Bloodthirster retreat into enemy territory, quickly scoring all the points needed for Behind Enemy Lines.
Not to mention that I had 3 characters on objectives for all the bonus points ever.

Turn 4+

The remaining turns were awful for the Tyranid player, as I readjusted units to gain the maximum amount of points available, only tabling his forces at the end of Turn 6.


Final result 39-12 for near perfect scoring / stomping. As we were the first to finish, we had a chat about overextending, new rules, tactics and so on. I didn't see the list as doomed to fail, but the early loss of the two Hive Tyrants was telling, as they never got to use their full skillset. Bloodthirsters are, on the other hand, good for only one thing - and since they got into combat, they did what they do best.

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