
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Painting a resin Bloodthirster (of Unfettered Fury)


As part of the Khorne push... an old resin Bloodthirster, now known as a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury!

Small base

I prepared a 60mm round base, in case I want to use him as a Daemon Prince, or maybe in Dungeons & Dragons. Use a sculpted resin base, paint as dark earth and skulls.


Follow the other Bloodthirster for most details - such as the skin.

I tried drybrushing the wings, but the recesses are shallow and the long "fingers" don't leave much space, so I resorted to regular brushwork.

I started on the bone first, but I noticed that the skulls are embedded in all sorts of other details. Sigh.


For most metallic details, I took the shortcut I tested on the Bloodcrushers.

Basecoat the silver in Gunmetal, then wash Nuln Oil Gloss. Highlight Silver.
Basecoat the brass in Tinny Tin, then wash Reikland Fleshshade Gloss. Highlight Glorious Gold.


Before highlighting the metals, I started work on a few other areas. But then I noticed that some paint was already flaking off. So I sprayed on some Munitorum Varnish.

More details

Simple black on the hair and whip (drybrushed)...

... and also on the fingernails and hooves (line highlights).

The hooves then got a coat of Agrax Earthshade, to differentiate from the other areas.

With the hooves done, I could pin and glue the model to its base.

Simple eyes with a white basecoat.

And a coat of Hexwraith Flame.

Monstrous mouth. Simple eyebrows: Heavy Charcoal and Cold Grey.

Light leather belt.

Molten axe

Basecoat Bloody Red.

Successive layers of: Bloody Red + Hot Orange, Hot Orange, Hot Orange + Orange Fire, Orange Fire.

Mix Orange Fire and Sun Yellow, then use a sponge to stiple it on. Mostly around the edge, but a bit across all the surface.

Sponge pure Sun Yellow, stay on the edge.

Sponge on a hint of Black around the handle. This is where the metal has begun to cool.

Final details

I decided on a simple approach for the fur around the chains, as well as the short fur all around the skin. Paint the sculpted fur Cold Grey, then dilute Black Templar with Contrast Medium (around 2:3) and soak it in. Save a drybrush, which would mess up the chains and the skin.

Also paint a thin layer on the short fur. It's an OK effect, with the red showing through, as if the fur would be short, more like stubble.

For variety, use matte Nuln Oil on the remaining silver details: chains, whip handle.

Finally, paint the horns and skulls.

Extended base

Use large amounts of home-made putty, and stick resin skulls in it - emulate the inner base, as it were.

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