
Monday, October 26, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Gods of the dungeon

We started off with my plan to ferry out as much of the copper ore as we can. We each loaded up our trusty Bags of Holding; I animated extra skeletons and zombies for even more carrying capacity (I knew those 3 extra backpacks would come in handy one day); and I conjured a Tenser's Floating Disk. The DM decided that it would take 5 roundtrips to take it all out, and we agreed to spend the day doing an easy job for about 1000 gold.

Well, we still got a random encounter of 3 Owlbears on the 4th trip, but Selene made sure that my undead were safe by making us all invisible[1]. I tanked like a boss with Shield and Vampiric Touch, while everyone else blasted the monsters to bits.[2] With that little interlude done, we made it to the surface to sell our hard worked loot.

Of course, it wouldn't be the same without me polymorphing several party members into camels, so we could take the trip to the Zhentarim safehouse without the town guard interfering.

We then visited Obama to sell off some magic items. Kudos to Selene for passing off the desiccated heart we found on the first level, which turned out to do nothing else, but kill whoever attunes to it. After this success, it didn't even matter that he did not want the Halaster-like wooden doll, which stopped moving at this point. I stowed it in my room at the Zhentarim, just in case it comes back to life later on.

Back in the dungeon, we were faced with a wall built out of goblinoid skeletons. I managed to extract 3 intact ones and stowed them into my bag. We then got ready for the inevitable attack of the murlocks two rooms over, alerted by the sound of crumbling bones.[3] It turned out to be an easy fight, as they got scared at the first display of magic.[4] I gave them more of my power[5] and sent them to their knees. Hello children, time to answer some questions.

The murlocks proved to be less useful than we originally thought. For starters, although they recognized us as gods[6], they talked about another god living across the door they can't/don't dare to open. A dark elf by description, no less,[7] and an army of wererats.

Tired of useless answers, we took a crack at the door, which was locked by Arcane Lock. 4 Dispel Magic-s later, we entered a room with a comfy chair and an invisible dark elf sitting on it.[8] We convinced him that we are friends, and Rizzeryl turned out to be quite friendly as well - especially after we discovered we are all members of the Zhentarim. He gave us a task to get rid of the Xanathar goblinoids on this level[9], and gave us a contact in Skullport, a tiefling named Bosskin Grob.

I tried to build on our relation with this NPC by talking about our homeland and breaking out my drow board game, but nothing better came of it.

Let's gear up for more killing.

[1] All hail the Chaos Table.
[2] "What an emotional rollercoaster, people popping in and out of invisibility" - Selene
[3] My invisible owl scout warned us of their existence.
[4] A humble Shield spell.
[5] Prestidigitation.
[6] As they should.
[7] I prepared myself to fight a cleric of Lolth, but on further questioning, the murlocs said it was a male god. Whew.
[8] Okos can see invisible stuff, while I still had Detect Magic on.
[9] Which we would do anyway.

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