
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Painting zombies


The second batch of undead minis for my DnD necromancer.


I picked these for the first three. Glue on some gravestones

Fill out the bases using home made putty. Re-prime Wraithbone.

Zombie skin

I followed a short video by Warhammer TV on the subject, translating to Vallejo colors.

Basecoat Heavy Skintone.

Wash Athonian Camoshade.

Highlight Elf Skintone.

Highlight Bonewhite.

I found it way too stark for my taste, so I thinned down Plaguebearer Flesh with Contrast Medium and applied overall.

Other details

Basilicanum Grey on the hair.

Prepare all other areas by painting them Bonewhite/Wraithbone.

Paint the gums (barely visible) in Shyish Purple.

Wash all the exposed guts and bones, as well as the mouths, in Carroburg Crimson.

Black Templar in the eyes. Disturbing.

My new favorite style of dirty clothing is Agrax Earthshade over Apothecary White.

Hilight all the bones and teeth in Bonewhite.


Dark Earth, but with Contrast. I tried both Cygor brown (left and right) and Wyldwood (center) for the basecoat, and they both look fantastic.

Follow the painting tip for the rest.

Paint the gravestones as grey rock with moss

After the spray varnish

Apply Nurgle's Rot in select areas. Inside the mouth, on any exposed guts...

... at the corner of open the mouth, fill in the almost closed mouth...

... and where the brains/skulls are visible in open wounds. Yumm.

Finally, some patches of grass for a more natural feel to the cemetery these guys are walking in.


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