
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Painting grey skinned zombies


The remaining Mantic zombies got a different skintone, to have some variety

Painting the skin

Prime Black. At this point I already prepared the base using home made putty.

Basecoat dark grey - Black and Heavy Grey mixed 1:2.

Wash Reikland Fleshshade.

Layer with the original mix.

Highlight Cold Grey.

Superhighlight Bonewhite.

I tried a variation on the theme, by starting directly from a Cold Grey basecoat.

Other details

On a whim, I went the Contrast route. Basecoat all details other than skin in Wraithbone.

Fleshy parts - exposed muscle and sinew - get Volupus Pink. Eyes get Aethermatic Blue.

Bone gets 2 coats of Skeleton Horde.

One gravestone painted Contrast grey with green moss

Finish off with coating the Wyldwood, and painting the rim black. Spray varnish. Then apply patches of woodland for color variation, and adding cheerfulness to your walking corpses with exposed spinal cords.


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