
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Painting a Slaughterpriest


My entry for the December painting competition - the reason why I spent all that time experimenting on Bloodreavers.


Corax White, in preparation for the light color scheme. Also, the Bloodreavers showed me that metallics sit just fine on a light undercoat.


No experiments here, only tried and trusted techniques.

Shiny silver accesories. Regular silver weapons.

Varied skulls on the base. White loincloth.

A diluted coat of Nazdreg Yellow on the horns and fangs of the skulls, for differentiation.

EyesBloodreaver armor.

If he were a regular miniature, this is where I'd call it done.


Diluted Black Templar stubble on face and head. Also chest hair.

Raised scar.

Diluted Carroburg Crimson around the skin piercings.

Pale Flesh extreme highlights where the skin is pierced, to show strain.


Red war paint.

Typhus Corrosion mud. I also drybrushed this Bonewhite, later.

Shiny details after spray varnish

Blood for the Blood God! on the weapons. Gory Red spatter using a toothbrush.


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