
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Beer, statues and rolling stones

We started off in the dwarven beer hall. We looked down the empty corridor with a dead end, and said: it's a trap. Turns out we were right, as we noticed a trap door after some looking around. We tried to trigger it by placing empty barrels on it, to no effect; but the corpse of the undead beholder did the trick. Unfortunately, the doors were rigged to close after opening, and so we did not find out anything. That is, until Solid tried to jump over, and rolled a 1.

Solid landed in the spiked pit, taking damage. After some mucking around, I lowered myself on my Broom of Flying, inspected the mechanism from below, rolled a 2, then rolled a 4, finally being able to disable the doors. Then we flew out, and flew over the rest of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, sharp elven eyes detected two secret doors. They both contained a large amount of enchanted beer barrels. One also contained two mimics, which we killed. Selene then opened 140 barrels, just in case one of them contained gold instead of beer. Well, we can't carry them out anyway, so might as well.

We moved into new corridors, ones lined with carved dwarves, then a small museum with dragon skeletons, and finally a dwarven shrine. Nothing to do here, moving on. Except the intact skeleton of a dead adventurer, which I duly put in my bag.

In a new part of the dungeon, we found four caryatid columns and a modron floating around them. We could not communicate with the creature, so we moved on. 

One way led through a nest of owlbears (which we killed), then a room with elven sarcophagi. We spent some time trying to open a secret door and the immense alabaster sarcophagus inside, but it turned out to be a solid block - a decoy meant to confound would-be thieves. It achieved its purpose for sure.

We also found a magic bowl filled with mud, which serves to grow plants, or whatever. Ireth kept it.

The next room just had broken tables in it, but the corridor leading away turned out to be more interesting due to an Indiana Jones-style rolling boulder trap. Selene and I flew away on our brooms, everybody else got flattened, just a bit. I patched us up, and we rested near the broken tables, then carried on.

This part ended in a small room, where we found a burned spellbook. Sweet!

The other way leading away from the caryatids ended in a bunch of alcoves containing very life-like statues of different creatures. Almost as if they were petrified. We inspected them, but could not find anything to do. No spell slots for Dispel Magic.

We backtracked to the north-eastern part of the dungeon level, first entering chambers with dwarven tools lying all around, and a portal which we tried to activate, but just a bit, before moving on.

Finally, we entered a room with foul-smelling water on the floor (Broom of Flying to the rescue, again) and an altar with a gold cup on it. I flew over to touch it, at which point it turned into a jelly monster. We killed it, as it kept splitting into smaller versions of itself. I read the inscription on the altar - in Abyssal - "A gift of flesh, willingly given, can feed our eternal hunger." I told the altar (or whatever entity behind it) to shove it up, but Selene insisted on cutting the end of her finger and placing it on the altar, hoping for some blessing.

The last room of the session - in keeping with the jelly theme - contained a gelatinous cube with a skull suspended in it. I flew over while bombarding it with spells, while Selene cast Grease due to the Wild Magic table and made everybody fall on their asses. But at least we killed the monster.

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