
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Painting cthulhuids


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Original state

Contrast lowlights

Lowlight the folds in the cloth with Flesh Tearers Red.

Cover the violet parts in Shyish Purple diluted 1:1 with Contrast Medium. This came out blotchy and looking a lot worse than I expected.

Snakebite Leather on the book covers.


Bloody Red for initial broad highlights. It meshes into the base color surprisingly well.

Edge Hot Orange.

Superhighlight Orange Fire.

For the tentacles, Hexed Lichen was about the same shade of color as what I had, so I started mixing in Spectral White for the highlights.

About 3 successive highlights, with a final superhighlight of pure Spectral White, giving the impression of a shiny, slimy surface.

Use Black Templar to write some Cthulhu-esque runes into the open books, as well as fluent script - explanations, perhaps - underneath. Edge the pages in diluted Seraphim Sepia for shading and to give the impression of age.

Medium leather-style highlights for the covers.


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