
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Painting a Bone Devil


Another quick-ish part of the painting commission, done while not wanting to deal with the Bloodreavers. From Reaper Miniatures.

Original state

Basecoated in a light bone color (perhaps Bonewhite?) with the wings done in Spectral White.


Contrast bone. This gives such a great aged bone look on the darker basecoat (as opposed to Wraithbone). I originally did the highlight using a drybrush, but I wasn't entirely happy, so I went over with a detail brush over the more pronounced areas - the face, the hands, the claws, the ribs.

 I also did the eyes Aethermatic Blue - this is a staple of my undead from now on.

I touched up the wings with Spectral White - honoring the original scheme.

Wash Druchii Violet. Then I diluted Shyish Purple and painted it into the recesses.

Highlight the wings with Spectral White. I did this with edge highlights along the folds and holes, but I also painted thin lines running down the fabric. I then did a superhighlight of Dead White.


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