
Monday, May 18, 2020

Storm King's part 33 - RIP Mouse!!!

It’s about a mouse being dead, so what better picture to start the blog?[1]

So after the deadly encounter, we decide to go to the city[2] to gather our forces and have a good night'sdrink.

We rest well and decide to follow our own adventures, but FATE had something else in mind…

While we wander the streets we see the city guard harassing a boy, this was the manner the arrests are done in this beautiful Metropolis. The boy seems to be a smart one or maybe a tricky one, because as soon as he sees us he starts yelling: Mommyyyy!!! Momyyy!!! and looks at Szivem with puppy eyes. The guards are indeed thrown off their game  as they don’t know how to react, other than asking if this is indeed Szivem’s son. With the guilt still alive in her mind, Szivem decides to do some good after her recent abortion, so she falsely recognizes that indeed the boy is her son.[3]

Well it seems the boy is a known thief in the city and his last arrest will cost us 10gp or he will be taken into the dungeons and probably killed or have his arms cut off or any other way a recidivist is punished in this town.

We pay the bail and try to find out who is this boy and what is he up to. Apparently his name is Mouse and he lives on the streets for as long as he can remember. He knows his way into town but sometimes makes mistakes and gets caught, nothing out of the ordinary here.

As he is now indebted to us we try to use him for something. The first to speak is our paladin, Solid, his only way is the way of the war so he tries to “make a man out of this boy” enrolling him into our ranks. Groin on the other hand thinks the path we take is full of danger and imminent death so there is no place for a boy among us.[4] It seems that the Solid is more intimidating than Groin is persuasive so the boy decides to follow us in our adventures.

This time the adventure is not that far away, only a few streets later in the main square the “Adventure” comes to bite us in the ass![5]

The Hungarians are really determined to have their princess back so we meet again with the “Royal Embassy” this time formed of sorcerers, wizards, assassins and mercenaries. The whole square seems to be an ambush especially designed for Szivem.[6]

We already know the drill: they ask for their princess → Their princess refuses to go → Battle starts![7]

This time some “peacefully drinking dwarves” are hired as mercenaries to help the Royal Embassy. As the battle starts one of them seems to be very much engaged in helping the Hungarians get their princess back (dead or alive) while the others are not so convinced. After  some heavy drinking promises some of the dwarves decide to ally with us instead of their boss/commander. This will help our fight but not good enough.[8]

The mages have some freezing spells that turn Mouse into a block of ice; after that some brutal fighters smash him and shatter him into pieces… RIP Mouse, your first Adventure was awesome![9]

With grief in our heart we fight on. Our spells are not so effective as the opposing mage has a force field cast out that keeps him and part of his men safe. It’s time again for Tari to shine, her arrows break trough the shield and start chipping away the opposing force one by one, or better said two by two 'cuz she’s a horde breaker, this is not the first time this feat is more than useful.

Luckily for us (or maybe not) the mess in the town square attracts the city guards.

With the guards approaching the Hungarians retreat to safety leaving us to deal with the mess. Wounded and beaten we now have to explain the situation which we manage to do just fine to get away unpunished. THIS TIME!

[1] Oddly specific and appropriate.
[2] of Mirabar
[3] I had this encounter tailored to her, rather successfully I might add.
[4] Roll-off!
[5] Not literally, this time.
[6] Hue hue hue.
[7] I think we skipped the first step here, but close enough.
[8] I think the 4 peaceful dwarves were just bystanders irked by the attacker's treatment of a lady, but I don't remember exactly, so whatever.
[9] First time the party had a child killed directly. Not on purpose, but there's a first for everything.

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