
Monday, May 18, 2020

Storm King's part 34 - Muuuuu!!!

Groin insists on paying his drinking debt to the dwarves that helped us in the fight in the square, so this is the first thing to do in our new day.

Now that the payment was made we can advance in our quest.

Our way takes us to Adbar, but it’s a lot to walk and days are passing. Finally we reach the bottom of mount "Hammer of Ashes" where an ancient dwarven forge is supposed to be.

We find some huge doors very “fedeles” closed[1]. We try to make our way in but the doors do not open and they don’t seem to have any opening system, at least not from this part.

Well there is always the long way and this means around 8000 stairs to the top of the mountain :)

So we don’t get bored we look for things to do on our way up, and the opportunity arises when we find a hidden cave behind a waterfall. There are some bones on the floor but also a nest of some kind. We loot the objects in the nest and also Selene decides to leave a brown smelly token in the cave as goodbye gift. This will surely not  disturb the creature living here in any way.[2]

Atop of the mountain we are surprised to see something that looks like a village.

Some Yakfolk creatures that look like human-cows live here peacefully, as far as it seems.

We are politely invited into their huts and are provided food, smokes and we can rest in the Boss' hut.

Someone is very suspicious and doesn’t eat or smoke the pipe, at this point I don’t remember who it was, at this point a very smart decision. The rest of us who eat the food feel somehow ill but manage to fight the sensation off.[3] Well now we are all suspicious and even the Yakfolk seem to change their attitude towards us. They want to make us their slaves! Well that’s not going to happen without a FIGHT!!!

They are big and strong, but not a match for our skilled party, so we kill them all with the help of our steed Stela and the unicorn that Selene is summoning time and time again with her wild magic.

The cows are defeated and so we start looking for nothing else other than loot. This time the loot presents itself as 3 elves, incredibly skinny, who where kept as slaves in the boss hut. There is also an elf woman between them, who seems to be of royal heritage, by the name of Halani. She tells us that these Yakfolk have a strange way of infiltrating villages by possessing another body and then  attacking the village by surprise, taking prisoners to serve them as slaves.

For now we don't know how many Yakfolk creatures live here so we advise the 3 elves to hide while we investigate further the village.

[1] Tightly closed. It's an inside joke.
[2] Clearly.
[3] But everybody made their CON save.

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