
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Painting Cthulhu


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

This "fhtagn" business is quickly becoming an inside joke.

Anyway, I consulted my "client" on the desired paint scheme, and he wanted it to look just like the artworks do - all green, except the eyes. Challenge accepted.

Original state

Dark green spray.

Painting the greens

Dark Green drybrush all over. I went real heavy with this, to give some definition.

I tried Heavy Green next, but this was about the shade of the undercoat, so I mixed in Dead Flesh to pop out some detail.

Pure Dead Flesh and a lighter drybrush to bring out the sharpest edges.

Escorpena Green drybrush on the wings. I wanted these to have a different feel, given their softer, more leathery nature.

An overall glaze of Contrast Medium + Militarum Green desaturates the greens and brings in some browns - much like the artworks - and ties it all together.


Wraithbone. Cover in Blood Angels Red. Paint around with Flesh Tearers Red.

Highlight Hot Orange, then Orange Fire. Not a gem effect, more like an inside glow.


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