
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Painting Chthons (more aberrations)


More aberrations for the painting commission! At this point, I'm already worried of all the monsters my socialite enchantress will face in deep, dark dungeons.

Original state

Sprayed with some sort of dark green.


I honored the original idea by keeping the green tones. The scales presented a perfect drybrushing surface. Sick Green on the left, Jade Green on the right for just a bit of separation.

Escorpena Green light drybrush, for additional highlights and to really bring out the texture.

I wanted a fleshtone on the tentacly bits (mouth?), but I also wanted a transition from green. I tried glazing Heavy Skintone in successive layers, stronger towards the tips, but it still came out too stark.

Nothing 2 layers of Waywatcher Green glaze can't fix!

As for the interior of the mouth, wash Reikland Fleshshade and highlight Heavy Skintone, then Pale Flesh. Also fangs.


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