
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Painting the Fane of Slaanesh (base)


Inspiration finally struck incidentally, while I was grinding through the 20 Bloodreavers, and I started work on this terrain piece.


Spray black, then Retributor armor.

Gold coins

Heavy drybrush with Brassy Brass and Bright Bronze in a couple of patches, to add color variety.

Overall wash Agrax Earthshade.

Wash several spots with Carroburg Crimson, Druchii Violet and Reikland Fleshshade.

Drybrush all over with Polished Gold, then in some areas using Silver.

Meet my new large drybrush. Yes, that is a makeup brush.

Metal details

The mirror (as well as the bands of the treasure chest) get a dark bronze feeling with a basecoat of Tinny Tin and a highlight of Brassy Brass. Superhighlight Silver.

Basecoat all the jewels with Chainmail Silver, then follow the painting tip.

Besides Nuln Oil Gloss, one jewel got Druchii Violet, and the glass cabinet got Aethermatic Blue. 

Then highlight Silver. The locks on the chest got regular silver. The wood is simply Charred Brown, then Heavy Brown lines drawn across to create texture.



Basecoat with a mix of Squid Pink and Warlord Purple.

Cover the surface in retarder medium, then paint in streaks of Sombre Grey. Blend the edges with Warlord pink. Quite trippy.

Highlight the streaks with Stonewall Grey. Highlight the remaining pink parts with Squid Pink. Draw a shine line with Dead White.


As visible above, I did some in black, warm white and fleshtone - all legit colors for stone/ceramic urns.

I did the last one in Black, then mix Black with Turqoise, then Turqoise, then Turqoise with Dead White. Can't decide if jade or obsidian, but I like it either way.

Shiny details after spray varnish

Paint the target areas with Silver. Then apply GW technical paints to simulate shiny gems/bottles: Soulstone Blue, Waystone Green.

Base finished!

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